Monday, March 16, 2009

Traded the Leinenkugel for Magic Hat # 9. The beautiful weather this weekend was conducive to my decision. We are eagerly awaiting Spring as the winter, though not terribly snowy, was terribly frigid. See me in August when it's 95 and 90% humidity. I'll be looking forward to Winter by then. Always on to the next thing.

Some things will never change
You just stand there looking backwards half unconsious from the pain

Friday, March 13, 2009

It's a new thang

Jeez, never thought I'd do this blogging thing, but I guess there is a time and place for just about everything.
My neice from Allentown will be up tomorrow, so tonight will be spent redding up the house and going to the beer store (no, I'm not in Canada) for some fine brew. Leinenkugel perhaps? Visit her blog at