Thursday, April 30, 2009

Stress-it's a given.

Between an ill mother, high job stress (this is always the worst time of the year), no weekends free for another month and a half, and an eighteen year old son who leaves for Army basic training on June 9th (not to mention the economy and the dreaded swine flu), it's enough to make a grown woman want to put some strong stuff in her morning coffee. But, on the other hand, I have alot to be thankful for-I just can't think of anything right now. My brain is in that constant state of GOGOGO but never in one direction. It veers off quite randomly and I find myself sitting at my desk, staring right through important papers and not seeing them at all. Not a good thing. But, soon it will all be over, and I will be as bored as hell. My son leaving is hitting me the most, but I haven't admitted it to anyone, except my husband. I mean, I'm not a blithering idiot about it,we've accepted his choice and we are extremely proud of him (he's got cojones, that boy) but when your child grows up and flies away, it's liberating and depressing at the same time. On the plus side, we will be taking more camping trips, 'cos he hated them.

I cracked open a Magic Hat # 9 this weekend, and underneath the cap it said "What exactly are you waiting for?" I guess I better figure that out, and fast!

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