Monday, January 11, 2010

TPBs Best Show You've Probably Never Heard Of.

I'm lucky enough to pay out the nose to DirecTV for crappy television and a signal I don't get when it rains. Ever see their commercial where the dude is extolling their virtues while in the midst of a hurricane? Look, it's blowing and dumping outside, but he STILL GETS DIRECTV!!! AMAZING!!!! Liars, they're all liars. We get fog and blip-there goes the Weather Channel. Well, if there is one thing about DirecTV that I absolute luuuvvvv, it's the "Trailer Park Boys" series. Whoever said Canada is boring and has no sense of humor obviously never saw this train wreck. The stories center around -from left-Ricky (should win awards for the most inventive profanity I've ever heard) Julian (sexy, with peircing blue eyes), and their moral compass Bubbles (Coke bottle glasses wearing kitty lover). Basically they're just a bunch of ex cons trying to make a living any way they can. And that usually involves questionable and illegal things. And they usually mess up. And Jim Lahey is usually drunk. And Ricky has got to stop his daughter Trinity from stealing grills and reselling them at the flea market. And does Julian ever put that drink down? And what exactly does a shitstorm look like anyway?

If you have DirecTV, check out channel 101 on Thursdays at 10 PM EST. Do not watch this in front of impressionable young children. Or future inlaws. Or your local religious leader.

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