Monday, March 15, 2010

Of supposed good and bad

Would you steal $5 from your workplace? How about $10? How about $300,000? That's what my husband's secretary did, got away with it for years by forgery and false audits. Well, karma is a bitch (she didn't believe in that, she was a "good christian") and it caught up to her by giving her 2 aneurisms-like a twofer! Once she was in the hospital, a fellow employee went into her computer to do payroll, and discovered the theft. It's the same old story, over and over-people steal and think they can get away with it, they constantly try to rationalize it in their own mind. After a while, the stress builds, they make mistakes, and get taken out by some small, seemingly insignificant entity. It's the fates way of saying "gotcha!".,0,2580598.story

PS Beware the Ides of March, but only if your name is Julius.

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